Our products are made here in Beautiful British Columbia!

Our products are made here in Beautiful British Columbia!

Jun 08, 2021 The Workshop

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We are happy to announce that our products were officially approved to use the buy BC logo.

What does this mean? It is a quick way to show customers that our products are made here in BC and also a way for us to show that we support BC in many ways. 

Take for example our hand made ramen and udon noodles. They are made from organic flour from Armstrong BC!

Our packaging is also made by a BC company using 100% recycled material :)

When you Buy BC, not only are you supporting the families working at The Workshop, you are also supporting farmers that grow the ingredients, the local distributors that help get the raw ingredients in the hands of producers, as well as local grocery markets that carry our product. 

So, on behalf of everyone you are supporting - THANK YOU!


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