
New Omleaf Hai Tea
Nov 01, 2021
Newly in, a unique refreshing, organic herbal beverage, designed to induce the feelings of well-being,...
Kirk's Sparkling Kefir now available in our fridge!
Nov 01, 2021
Strengthen your immune system with Kirk's Sparkling Kefir - full of live probiotics, low sugar,...
Our products now available in Kelowna!
Oct 14, 2021
For those of you out in Kelowna, there are more plant based meal 'choices', thanks to...
The Hoto Udon with the Creamy Potato-Leek Broth is Back!
Oct 07, 2021
We've made some modifications to our menu to reflect the change in weather & season. ...
Get our products delivered via Legends Haul!
Sep 20, 2021
We are extremely excited to announce that our products are now available to be delivered...
We are turning 5!
Sep 01, 2021
Five years ago, we opened up our storefront on the corner of Pemberton and 3rd...